Supervisor, Mentorship, and Dissemination

Undergrad Research Co-supervision

  • Alessandro Soccol - Master's Degree Student and Research Fellow at University of Cagliari
    Thesis project: Balloccu, G., Boratto, L., Fenu, G., Marras, M., & Soccol, A. (2024, October). KGGLM: A Generative Language Model for Generalizable Knowledge Graph Representation Learning in Recommendation. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (pp. 1079-1084).
  • Giovanni Murgia
    Thesis project: Balloccu, G., Boratto, L., Fenu, G., Marras, M., Medda, G., & Murgia, G. (2024). Knowledge data modeling in food recommendation: A case study on nutritional values. In Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, RecSoGood Workshop.
  • Andrea Martis - Master's Degree Student and Research Fellow at University of Cagliari
    Thesis project: Afreen, N., Balloccu, G., Boratto, L., Fenu, G., Malloci, F. M., Marras, M., & Martis, A. G. (2024, October). EDGE: A Conversational Interface driven by Large Language Models for Educational Knowledge Graphs Exploration. In Proceedings of the 33rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (pp. 5159-5163).

Lead the Future

Lead The Future รจ un'organizzazione no-profit di mentorship STEM dove i migliori talenti sono affiancati da un Mentor di alto livello e possono crescere in una Community di +1000 persone.


